Internet Connection. (If you have an Android phone, download a USB Tether app for internet, otherwise you need to use Ethernet) Ubuntu 12.04 installed First thing you're going to want to do is update and get the Linux Headers, for this you will open Terminal and type the following: Code: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic After that is complete, cd to your home directory if you're not already there: Code: cd ~ Now you're going to want to download the Ralink RT3290STA Driver Code: wget Now extract the tar: Code: tar -xvf DPO_RT3290_LinuxSTA_V2600_20120508.tar.gz Open "DPO_RT3290_LinuxSTA_V2600_20120508/os/linux/" Find the following lines and make sure they look like this: Code: HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y Now back in Terminal, cd into the extracted driver folder: Code: cd ~/DPO_RT3290_LinuxSTA_V2600_20120508 Now the following commands in order: Code: sudo su make make install After that finishes, activate the wireless driver: Code: sudo modprobe rt3290sta Your wifi should pop right up, but it will not survive a reboot yet..... Now let's make sure it will activate on boot, for this we will be editing the "modules" file: Code: sudo gedit /etc/modules Copy/paste these lines at the very bottom: Code: rt3290 rt3290sta Save the file and exit Now you need to blacklist the default driver so that it doesn't override the rt3290sta driver: Code: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf Scroll down the bottom of that file and add these lines at the bottom: Code: #Wireless drivers conflicting with rt3562sta blacklist rt2800pci blacklist rt2x00pci Save and exit Now update your changes: Code: sudo update-initramfs -u Now exit the terminal and reboot Upon reboot you should have working wifi that will survive every reboot. Hope this helps everyone, it took me about 2 days to figure all this out. Advanced reply Adv Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote